The 8 main sections of the Massachusetts IEP form will be explored through a deep dive that walks participants through each section. We will cover:
- Student Profile: What is the individual picture of this student?
- Student & Parent Concerns: How to collect these
- Student Vision & Team Response: How to collect and formulate a team response
- Student Profile & Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance statement (PLAAFPs) – How to ensure data collection takes place by ALL team members
- Transition Planning: What should we use?
- Specifically Designed Instruction: What individualized support makes a better fit between this student and school?
- Accommodations / Modifications: What are these and how to make these decisions with data
- Goals / Objectives: What data will we need to collect and who will collect the data?
- Service Delivery & Transportation: Who will be responsible? Could more than one person be responsible?
- Additional Information: What else could be documented to assist the team working with the student and family?