The Collaborative for Educational Services is in the final stages of planning for the fourth regional Transforming Education for Social Justice conference for PK-12 educators, leaders, students, and community members, on March 29th, 2025. The conference will take place at Easthampton High School in Easthampton, MA. Youth are central to the conference and shape the experience in various ways including through presentations, planning, and participation. In the current environment for education, tensions at the national and global levels have been accompanied by an increase in anxiety...

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Transforming Education for Social Justice Conference set to take place on March 29th, 2025
The Collaborative for Educational Services is in the final stages of planning for the fourth regional Transforming Education for Social Justice conference for PK-12 educators, leaders, students, and community members, on March 29th, 2025. The conference will...
As details emerge, here’s what Trump’s plan to abolish DOE could mean for Mass. schools
As uncertainty looms over the future of the Department of Education, school administrators across the state are bracing for impact. With budget season in full swing, many are preparing for deep cuts to crucial programs like special education and Title 1 services...
A Goodbye to Bill Erickson
Our friend William (Bill) Erickson, Ed.D. passed away this past Sunday. Many of you knew Bill, and he will be missed as a true gentleman and someone with a great passion for education and educators. Bill retired from his position as Superintendent of the Hampshire...
Announcing the CES Center for Emerging Educational Practice website launch
The Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) is proud to announce the launch of the CES Center for Emerging Educational Practice, a cutting-edge resource hub dedicated to supporting PreK-12 educators and administrators, particularly those in small and mid-sized...
Grant Will Boost College’s Efforts To Teach Disability History in Rural Communities
Keene State College has been awarded a nearly $100,000 Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) grant for a project to advance teaching disability history in rural communities. The grant provides one year of funding with the possibility of two...
Early Childhood Focuses on Social-Emotional Wellbeing as the Foundation of Learning
The Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) early education programs first began in 1996, as preschool teachers and childcare providers recognized that many at-risk children were struggling with social-emotional issues. In support of this need, CES was unique...
Anti-bias training gears up in Amherst regional school system
AMHERST — Anti-bias training throughout the Amherst, Pelham and Amherst-Pelham Regional schools, under the Welcoming Schools Seal of Excellence Track, will soon be getting underway, continuing an effort to create a safe, positive and more inclusive environment for...
5 Ways to Teach Disability History in Social Studies Class
A few years ago, curriculum specialist Richard Cairn showed a photo from the World War II era to two young men he was working with on a campaign to promote teaching disability history. The image shows a man with multiple disabilities processing...
DYS Educator Develops Breakfree Project
Congratulations to DYS Educator Bill Laforme of the Kennedy School, who has had his Breakfree project chosen for October’s nationwide Breakfree competition. Bill was selected in 2023 for a Breakfree Fellowship. Fellows develop their own Breakfree content and...
CES report outlines difficult truth about literacy issues
WINCHESTER - Last year, a report surfaced that alleged Winchester students struggled to read. In response, the district, through Superintendent Dr. Frank Hackett, reached out to the Collaborative for Educational Services, a Northampton-based non-profit, to pull...
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