Early Childhood

Promoviendo habilidades sociales con “Somos súper amigos”/Promoting social skills with “I Can Be a Super Friend”

Home E Events E Promoviendo habilidades sociales con “Somos súper amigos”/Promoting social skills with “I Can Be a Super Friend”

Este taller de 90 minutos está diseñado para educadores interesados en fomentar habilidades sociales positivas en niños pequeños utilizando la historia social "Somos súper amigos". La sesión se enfocará en promover comportamientos colaborativos y en enseñar estrategias de autorregulación emocional en contextos de juego. Los participantes explorarán cómo integrar estas prácticas en sus rutinas diarias para crear entornos más inclusivos y de apoyo para el desarrollo social y emocional de sus niños.

Como parte del proceso de aprendizaje, se realizará un seguimiento una semana después del taller. En esta sesión, los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de compartir sus experiencias al implementar la historia social, resolver dudas, y practicar nuevas estrategias para fortalecer el uso del contenido en sus programas infantiles.

Objetivos de Aprendizaje:

  • Promover el juego cooperativo y las habilidades de resolución de conflictos: Los participantes identificarán formas de enseñar a los niños a preguntar si pueden unirse al juego, esperar su turno, y usar sus manos de manera suave para fomentar interacciones positivas y resolver conflictos de manera constructiva.
  • Aplicar estrategias de autorregulación emocional en contextos educativos: Los participantes aprenderán cómo modelar y enseñar técnicas de respiración profunda para que los niños puedan calmarse, tomar decisiones más reflexivas y gestionar sus emociones durante las actividades sociales.

This 90-minute workshop is designed for early childhood educators interested in fostering positive social skills in young children using the social story "We Are Super Friends." The session will focus on promoting collaborative behaviors and teaching emotional self-regulation strategies in play contexts. Participants will explore how to integrate these practices into their daily routines to create more inclusive and supportive environments for children’s social and emotional development.

As part of the learning process, a follow-up session will be carried out one week after the workshop. In this session, participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences implementing the social story, resolve doubts, and practice new strategies to strengthen the use of content in their children's programs.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Promote cooperative play and conflict resolution skills: Participants will identify ways to teach children to ask if they can join the game, wait their turn, and use their hands gently to encourage positive interactions and resolve conflicts constructively.
  2. Applying emotional self-regulation strategies in educational contexts: Participants will learn how to model and teach deep breathing techniques so that children can calm down, make more thoughtful decisions, and manage their emotions during social activities.

Registration Options

Spring 2025
Registration Deadline: 05/12/2025 4:30pm EST
Spaces Available: 27
Instructors: Marcela Simpson
Meetings Dates: Click to View Dates/Times
Location: Collaborative for Educational Services (Online)

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A maximum class size is set for each course and registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. If the number of registrations for a course exceeds the maximum seats available or is too low to be able to conduct a quality learning experience, CES will inform you of available options.

Course Cancellation

If you wish to cancel your registration, please submit a request in writing (via mail, email or fax) no later than 7 business days before the workshop’s start date. After that, there are no refunds or billing adjustments.

In the event that a course is cancelled by the Collaborative for Educational Services, we will notify you as soon as possible. Please be sure to provide your best email address and phone number so we can contact you. Although every effort is made to avoid last minute cancellations, if an emergency arises, we will do our best to reach you at the phone number and email address you provide.

Inclement Weather

Any delays or cancellations are posted online at collaborative.org. You may also call 413-200-8395 after 6:30am for information about classes that day.

Event Contact

thumbnail image of Emily Bouvier
Emily Ortiz Bouvier
Administrative Assistant

Payment Methods

We accept the following payment methods:

  • Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard)
  • Check
  • Purchase Order
  • CES Internal Transfer
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