Professional Development

Hope or Hype? Exploring Virtual Reality in the Secondary Classroom

Home E Events E Hope or Hype? Exploring Virtual Reality in the Secondary Classroom

VR is a powerful medium that has both applications and constraints that are unlike other forms of EdTech, and some of those disproportionately affect marginalized students. The power of VR calls for thoughtful, creative instructional practices. Through the course of this full-day session, we explore the questions:

  • How can we establish culturally responsive and trauma informed classroom norms around VR use?
  • How can we support all students’ learning in VR?
  • How can we avoid using VR in ways that reinforce harm?

While Virtual reality (VR) is still relatively new technology, it is already at work in classrooms across the country and the field's knowledge is growing about how to use it in ways that are culturally sustaining, trauma-informed, and support student learning. Participants in this session will:

  • Review findings of current research about how best to use VR in middle and high school classrooms
  • Explore critiques of and concerns about VR from scholars and practitioners
  • Try out VR headsets and see some of the apps that students may already be using for fun
  • Use VR headsets to experience educational immersive apps and programs and draw their own conclusions about VR’s potential place in their classroom, department, and school

A team of CES researchers have been examining research about virtual reality, learning from educators across the country, and consulting with VR developers and designers. In this full-day interactive event, the team will share the results of their work, including: what research says about educational VR; how to best use the technology in middle and high school classrooms; and how to understand the VR industry’s claims about equity and empathy. Participants will use Quest VR headsets to experience a range of immersive VR apps and programs and will draw their own conclusions about VR’s potential for schools and classrooms. Your registration confirmation will contain details from the manufacturer about precautions in using the VR headsets.

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A maximum class size is set for each course and registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. If the number of registrations for a course exceeds the maximum seats available or is too low to be able to conduct a quality learning experience, CES will inform you of available options.

Course Cancellation

If you wish to cancel your registration, please submit a request in writing (via mail, email or fax) no later than 7 business days before the workshop’s start date. After that, there are no refunds or billing adjustments.

In the event that a course is cancelled by the Collaborative for Educational Services, we will notify you as soon as possible. Please be sure to provide your best email address and phone number so we can contact you. Although every effort is made to avoid last minute cancellations, if an emergency arises, we will do our best to reach you at the phone number and email address you provide.

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  • Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard)
  • Check
  • Purchase Order
  • CES Internal Transfer
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