Do you want to make your grading practices more equitable? Join this year-long study using the book Grading for Equity where you will build a research-based foundation for teaching and learning practices. Through this experience, we will move away from basing our practice on extrinsic reinforcement and consequences, and approach grading with empathy, trust, and belief in the capacity of all students.
We will examine topics such as:
- The critical history of our current inherited system of grading.
- The research on motivation and equitable teaching and learning.
- Specific bias-resistant and motivational practices that lead to improved learning and reduced failure rates.
You will read Grading for Equity and engage in facilitated conversations about the content of the book and its impact on your classroom, school, and district. In addition, you will engage in online discussions and create a final presentation that reflects on what you have learned throughout the study, share your own research and reflection, and outline the next steps to make your grading practices more equitable.
Registration includes a copy of the book, Grading for Equity by Joe Feldman.