
Data Informed Decision Making

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67.5 PDPs
Graduate Credits Available

Required for License(s): 

Administrative Leadership


This course will help candidates become data-informed instructional leaders through the use of key tools and strategies. Candidates will engage in the cycle of inquiry to investigate areas of concern and promising practices at the school or district level and reflect upon this process as it relates to change in their school or district. Methods for analyzing and interpreting state, district- and school-based data are covered with additional consideration of data credibility, relevance, reliability, and usability.

Candidates will learn to identify and use key evidence to monitor student learning and program and/or school effectiveness. The course requires a minimum of 40 practicum hours, which will address Performance Assessment for Leaders (PAL) Task 1: Leadership through a Vision of High School Achievement.

A cycle of inquiry is a structured process that supports evidence-based decision-making through continuous use of data. It supplies a framework to analyze data, brainstorm effective strategies, create action plans, implement strategies, and evaluate results. These actions within the cycle of inquiry are characterized by three stages:

  • Analyze
    • Identify patterns of need
    • Validate
    • Determine root cause
  • Strategize
    • Brainstorm strategies
    • Select a high-impact strategy
    • Create an action plan
  • Act:
    • Implement the strategy
  • Assess
    • Reflecting and sharing results is a component of every stage of the cycle.


This course may be taken either as part of a Licensure Program or as an individual course for PDPs. Graduate Credit through Fitchburg State University is available at additional cost; Master’s Degree and CAGS options are available.

Cost and Registration

This course is included in your CES Initial Licensure tuition cost if it is required for your program. If you are a Licensure Enrollee and your account is in good standing, please indicate your status when registering for the course.

This course may also be taken individually for professional development and/or license renewal.

Course Structure

The first synchronous meeting session will be held at 97 Hawley St. in Northampton (pending COVID guidance) with the remaining three via Google Meet. 

Coursework begins on the course start date. You will be required to log in and complete activities prior to the first online synchronous session. 

Please reserve all session dates in your calendar.

Registration Options

There are no available options to register for at this time.


A maximum class size is set for each course and registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. If the number of registrations for a course exceeds the maximum seats available or is too low to be able to conduct a quality learning experience, CES will inform you of available options.

Course Cancellation

If you wish to cancel your registration, please submit a request in writing (via mail, email or fax) no later than 7 business days before the workshop’s start date. After that, there are no refunds or billing adjustments.

In the event that a course is cancelled by the Collaborative for Educational Services, we will notify you as soon as possible. Please be sure to provide your best email address and phone number so we can contact you. Although every effort is made to avoid last minute cancellations, if an emergency arises, we will do our best to reach you at the phone number and email address you provide.

Inclement Weather

Any delays or cancellations are posted online at You may also call 413-200-8395 after 6:30am for information about classes that day.

Event Contact

image of Liza Manchester
Liza Manchester
Candidate Advising and Practicum Manager
(413) 239-2398

Payment Methods

We accept the following payment methods:

  • Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard)
  • Check
  • Purchase Order
  • CES Internal Transfer
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