We open doors. We connect people.
Our Program
Our team identifies and recruits migratory students/youth residing throughout Massachusetts and provide high quality supplemental and support services to students/youth ages 3-22. We work with parents and families to build their advocacy and leadership skills through workshops and active Parent Advisory Councils.
We work to establish and foster relationships with schools, community agencies, organizations and businesses to coordinate services, share information, and plan for migratory students/youth, in order to ensure the most effective and efficient delivery of education and support services.
Services Include
- Academic summer programs for preschool through 12th grades
- Assistance in preschool enrollment and family literacy programming
- Afterschool Tutoring for K-12
- Family/Student Advocacy (Parent-Teacher conferences, IEP processes, McKinney/Vento)
- English, Life Skills and Pre-HiSET classes for Out of School Youth
- Career and Graduation Exploration for High School and Out of School Youth
- Referrals to Community Based Organizations and School Based Programming through distributing program information and assisting in enrollment

The Massachusetts Migrant Education Program is federally funded as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and is regulated by Title I, Part C through the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Eligibility for Services
Children and youth are eligible for services if they or their parents/guardians are migratory agricultural workers, migratory fishermen, or work in agricultural and fish processing plants, and if they have moved school districts in the preceding 36 months to obtain temporary or seasonal employment.
MMEP recruitment staff throughout the state work together with schools, employers and community agencies, providing eligibility screening forms, fliers and other promotional materials to distribute to potentially eligible families. Please contact us for guidance regarding eligibility.
Identification and Recruitment Consortium
The Identification and Recruitment Consortium is a resource for timely identification and recruitment of migratory students and youth. Click to learn more.
Federal Office of Migrant Education
The Federal Office of Migrant Education provides leadership, technical assistance, and financial support to improve the educational opportunities of migrant children, youth, agricultural workers, fishers, and their families. Click here to learn more.
Connecticut River Valley Migrant Health Program
The Connecticut River Valley Migrant Health Program is a valley-wide project of the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers that pays for primary health care services to qualified migratory and seasonal agricultural workers and their families. Click here to learn more.
iSOSY Consortium
The iSOSY Consortium is offering a new course being piloted for summer services in our member states. This Spanish-language course, How to Run Your Own Business (Como Lo Hace…Tu Propio Negocio Pequeño), helps students learn the basics of what it takes to be a successful business owner.
Out of School Youth (OSY) Consortium
The Out of School Youth Consortium collaborates with state educational agencies to build capacity in Migrant Education programs to serve out of school youth with high quality programming. Click to learn more.
Emily Hoffman
Position: Director, Massachusetts Migrant Education Program
Email: ehoffman@collaborative.org
Phone: 978.604.4935
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