Youth substance use prevention is founded on the theory that by reducing risk factors and increasing protective factors, youth are less likely to use substances. Risk factors are characteristics that increase the likelihood someone will engage in unhealthy behavior. Protective factors are characteristics that help someone cope successfully with life challenges. The community in which a young person grows up in is inevitably full of risk and protective factors.
Risk Factors in a Community
Examples include but are not limited to:
- Availability of drugs and alcohol
- Poverty
- Transitions and mobility (moving a lot)
- Availability of firearms
- Community norms and laws
Protective Factors in a Community
Examples include but are not limited to:
- Positive connection to other adults
- Safe, supportive, connected neighborhood
- Strong community infrastructure (services for those in need)
- Local, state policies and practices that support healthy norms and child-youth programs
- Range of opportunities in the community for meaningful youth engagement

Ways to Get Involved
View upcoming events on our calendar.
Join one of SPIFFY’s workgroups! More info here.
Find municipal resources such as model policies, policy guides, and information about state legislation by clicking the button below.
Community Resources
Prevention Resources
- New Guide For Prevention Professionals On College And University Campuses (Resource link)
- Getting Candid: Framing the Conversation Around Youth Substance Use Prevention (Resource link)
- Standford REACH Lab Resource Library (Resource link)
- Learn About Prevention (Resource link)
- Excellence in Prevention Strategy List (Resource link)
- Guide to Online Registries for Substance Misuse Prevention Evidence-based Programs and Practices (Resource link)
- Drop the F Bomb (Resource link)
- No Menthol. Know Why. (Resource link)
- DART Stopthestigma Ad (Resource link)
- Protect Your Brain: An Education Campaign for Middle and High School Students (Resource link)
- Adult-Use Cannabis Social Equity Toolkit (Resource link)
- A Guide to SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework (Resource link)
- Prevention Saves Lives and Money (Video link)
- Getting Candid: Tools for providers and other adults to talk to young people directly about substance use (Resource link)
- Screen4Success: A user-friendly screening tool that provides support through a better understanding of personal health, wellness, and well-being. (Resource link)
- Engaging Youth to Improve Substance Misuse Prevention: Information Guide Series (Resource link)
- Teen Suicide Risk Factors (Resource link)
Tools for Community Advocacy
- Partnership to end addiction advocacy toolkit (Resource link)
- Communities Talk Social Media Guide (Resource link)
- Youth-Adult Partnership Guide (Resource link)
- Getting Candid: Framing the Conversation Around Youth Substance Use Prevention Messaging Toolkit (Resource link)
- Tips and Tools for Hosting a Virtual Activity (Resource link)
- Special Events Toolkit (Resource link)
- The Four P’s of Environmental Scanning (Resource link)
- Environmental Scan Toolkit (Resource link)
- Building a multi-system trauma-informed collaborative: A guide for adopting a cross-system, trauma-informed approach among child-serving agencies and their partners (Resource link)
- The Prevention with Purpose Guide: is designed for different stakeholders in higher education. These new resources can help you to better understand the problem of drug misuse on your campus and create effective ways to address it. (Resource link)
- The American College of Preventive Medicine Tobacco Cessation Resources for Youth – Tools and resources for parents, teachers and counselors on tobacco and nicotine cessation (Resource link)
- Center for Strategic Prevention Resource Page (Resource link)
- Policy advocacy and education
- Visit our Data Dashboard to learn about local substance use data trends in youth.
- Toolkit for Parks and Recreation Departments: Preventing Youth Substance Use and Addressing Substance Misuse (Resource link)
- Media Campaigns (Resource link)
- CADCA’s Guide To Educating Legislators (Resource link)
- Collaborating with Policy Makers to Inform Prevention Planning (Resource link)
Substance Specific Resources
- Cannabis
- Learn About Cannabis (Resource link)
- 2021 SAMHSA Guide: Preventing Marijuana Use Among Youth (Resource link)
- Canada’s Cannabis Health Warning Messages (Resource link)
- “This Much THC is Not Medicinal” (Video link)
- The link between cannabis and tobacco (Resource link)
- One Planet Summit: Kevin Sabet’s Presentation on Big Cannabis (Video link)
- Be in the Know Toolkit (Resource link)
- What is Dabbing? (Resource link)
- Tobacco
- Tobacco Education Resource Library (Resource link)
- MA: Learn about vapes, e-cigs, etc. resources (Resource link)
- MA: Quit Nicotine resources (Resource link)
- Truth Initiative: E-cigarettes: Facts, stats and regulations resources (Resource link)
- TedTalk: The past, present and future of nicotine addiction (Video link)
- Vaping Prevention mini flyers/handouts (Resource link)
- Make Smoking History (Resource link)
- Vapes Are Trash (Resource link)
- Behind the Haze (Resource link)
- End the Trend (Resource link)
- Get the Facts. (Vaping information) (Resource link)
- A Ready-Made Media Campaign to Prevent Teen Vaping resources (Resource link)
- Talk. They Hear You. (Resource link)
- Truth Initiative’s Depression Sticks (Resource link)
- BecomeAnEX (Resource link)
- Alcohol
- Preventing High Risk Drinking Among Young Adults: Strategies and Interventions (Resource link)
- Alcohol and the College Brain 1-pager (Resource link)
- Fact Sheet on Underage Drinking (Resource link)
- Underage Drinking: Myths vs Facts poster/flyer (Resource link)
- Alcohol Awareness Toolkit (Resource link)
- Prescription Drugs
- “Breaking Points” Film and film materials: Directed by Tucker Capps, is a 30-minute documentary intended for adults that explores the stress and pressures our teens face every day, as well as the unhealthy ways that many of them cope, including abusing prescription stimulants. (Resource link)
- Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Addiction Resource Guide (Hampshire, Hampden, and Franklin Counties) (Resource link)
- Brief Intervention Reference Sheet (Resource link)
Resources on Other Protective and Risk Factors
- Supporting the Transgender Community: Gender Affirming Care Resources (Resource link)
- Creating Cultures of Care: Supporting the Whole Child through Trauma-Informed Practice (Resource link)
- Risk And Protective Factors For Substance Use That Present In Childhood (Resource link)
- Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month 2023 – Action Guide (Resource link)
- Mental Health Program Finder (via 413Cares) (Resource link)
- NIMH Strategic Framework for Addressing Youth Mental Health Disparities (Resource link)
- Social Media
- Social Media and Youth Mental Health Q&A Portal (Resource link)
- Social Media and Emotional Health: 10 Tips for Teens (YouTube video) (Video link)
- Resources on Screen Time, Social Media, and Mental Health (Resource link)
- Resources to help Navigate Social Media (Resource link)
- Tip Sheet on Social Media Use and Mental Health (Resource link)
- Center of Excellence on Social Media and Youth Mental Health (Resource link)
- Staying Current with Gen-Z: Digital Resources & Tools (Resource link)
- “New Year, New Start: Talking With Teens About Social Media and Mental Health” (Video link)
- Online Health and Safety for Children and Youth: Best Practices for Families and Guidance for Industry (Resource link)
- Social Media and Adolescent Health (Resource link)
- Gina Anselmo’s Social Media Presentations:
- High School recording:
- Middle School recording:
- Social media documentary that was shown during middle school presentation
- More information about Discord, a high-risk app they discuss in the presentation (link)
Recommended Websites
- ACEs website and website
- Above the Influence
- Alcohol Justice
- Minding Your Mind
- Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids
- MA Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA)
- Be Vape Free
- Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development
- Embrace Race (Amherst)
- Center for Strategic Prevention Support (CSPS)
- Center for Advancing Alcohol Science to Practice
- Stop Alcohol Abuse
- COSA Hampshire Co
- Communities Talk
- Getting it right from the start
- Love is Respect
- National Alcohol Beverage Control Association
- My Life My Quit
- Massachusetts Association of Health Boards
- Massachusetts Addiction Prevention Alliance
- Make Smoking History
- National Institute on Drug Abuse
- One Love
- Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)
- Partnership for Drug Free Kids
- Public Health Advocates
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- Smart Approaches to Marijuana
- Substance Use Prevention Resources
- The New Drug Talk
- Translate Gender
Current Hampshire County Prevention Coalitions
Local coalitions can be a fantastic resource to your school and community.
- South Hadley Drug and Alcohol Prevention Coalition
- Northampton Youth Health Coalition
- Belchertown BOAT/BUOY
- Hampshire HOPE
- Trauma-Informed Hampshire County
- HEADS Up Hatfield
- Franklin Hampshire Tobacco Free Partnership
- Quaboag Hills Substance Use Alliance
- UMass Campus and Community Coalition to Reduce High Risk Drinking