Who We Are
SPIFFY is a coalition of over 80 community partners working together to improve outcomes for youth in Hampshire County. SPIFFY is administered by CES on behalf of the partners.
Together we promote strong families and create a local culture where youth are supported to make healthy choices. SPIFFY’s prevention activities involve community-based organizations, faith communities, schools, local colleges and universities, parents, youth, law enforcement, municipal government, media, and human service groups.
Our coalition fosters collaboration between schools and communities, promotes strong families, and supports positive youth development.
This approach collects and uses data to identify strategies, policies, and evidence-based programs that reduce unhealthy behaviors.
Spotlight on Current SPIFFY Coalition Activities
The SPIFFY Coalition is always working to support and implement a range of youth substance use prevention initiatives. You can view our past monthly newsletters in our Public Google Drive. Here’s the latest:
New Campaign: Talk, Listen, Repeat
SPIFFY’s campaign, Talk, Listen, Repeat, for parents/caregivers around having conversations with their children around substances, has gone live! The campaign landing page, which includes resources and interview clips of parents/caregivers around having conversations, can be found at this link. We are seeking feedback, so please take a look at the site and complete the survey linked on the website, or you can reach out to Lisa Goldsmith lgoldsmith@collaborative.org to share your thoughts. If you are working with any caregivers that might appreciate the resources, please share the site!
Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR)
For the 2024-25 school year, SPIFFY is supporting three cohorts of young people (one group at Easthampton High School, one at Smith Academy in Hatfield, and one at Hilltown Charter School in Easthampton) in YPAR projects. At Easthampton High School, SPIFFY will be supporting a third year of a YPAR group called the “Make a Change Team.” Building on their previous work, the group will continue strategy implementation from last year and collect data to inform new strategies to improve school climate at EHS. Smith Academy and Hilltown Charter School are both entering their second year of YPAR programming, having identified core concerns impacting their school community and are taking action steps to create positive change. With questions about SPIFFY’s YPAR work, please contact Lexi Polokoff at apolokoff@collaborative.org.
Local Alcohol Policy Resource
SPIFFY and partners have been working on a Municipal Alcohol Policy Roadshow slide deck to present to local policy officials. The purpose of the Roadshow is to provide municipal leaders with accessible information about evidence-based alcohol policies they can create that emphasize public health and alcohol misuse prevention. Once the slide deck is finalized, it will be a resource that anyone can access and use to present to local officials.
Leaders of Today Council Website: Now Launched!
Partnership for Success Subcontracts
Beginning in 2023, SPIFFY has awarded the following sub-grantees in our community to partner with:
1. Translate Gender’s Trans Youth Action Team has been focusing on school policy to be more inclusive and gender-affirming.
2. Northampton Department of Health and Human Services/Northampton Youth Health Coalition’s Youth for Equity and Action team has been supporting youth health via school policy and systems changes related to outdoor flex time, restorative practices, expanded health education, and more.
To learn more about Partnerships for Success, you can view our Google Slide presentation or contact Lexi Polokoff at apolokoff@collaborative.org.
Focus Groups
During this past spring, SPIFFY conducted parent focus groups to learn about the relationships parents have with their teens, and how they approach conversations about youth alcohol and cannabis use with them (check out results here!). This summer, we conducted four focus groups, with 36 youth 12-18 years old, to get input from young people on how they see conversations with their parents on substance use. Interestingly, youth do not think they are having as many conversations about substance use as parents do. We also learned that youth do want to have these discussions, and that they crave relationships with their parents that are open, trusting, and consistent. Similar to parents, they also said that they don’t know much about cannabis products and wish they were more informed. You can view the full report here!
Latest from our Partners and the Coalition
SPIFFY is proud to partner across sectors with many different organizations. The communities in Hampshire County are full of strength and collaboration. Below are some recent highlights from the organizing work that has been happening in our communities.
Calendar of Events
On this Google Calendar, you will find the dates and times of:
- SPIFFY’s Steering Committee meetings
- Regional School Health Task Force meetings
- Policy and Norms Workgroup meetings
- Events that SPIFFY is sponsoring and co-sponsoring
- Events that SPIFFY’s partners are sponsoring and co-sponsoring
- Other local meetings and events that support youth in living healthy lives
Feel free to email Lexi Polokoff at apolokoff@collaborative.org if there is an event you would like promoted on this public calendar. To add this calendar to your own Google Account’s Calendar, click the “+GoogleCalendar” icon on the bottom right corner of this calendar.