CES CFCE Family Centers and Playgroups
Family centers are a welcoming and convenient place for adults to meet other parents, grandparents, and care givers, and find support and information about important matters including preschools, public school, pediatricians, or parent support groups. Getting involved by volunteering time and talent helps family centers and local organizations thrive.
Family Centers are generally free, and you don’t need to be a resident of a town to visit the local family center. Each community’s family center provides unique programming and is open to residents as well as families from other communities. Play-and-learn groups are free and generally open on a drop-in basis (no preregistration required).

Calendar of Events
Please check the calendar to the right to learn about hours and scheduled events at our Family Centers and Playgroups!
Contacts, Location, and Hours
Most family centers follow the public school schedule of their home community for vacations and weather-related closings.
Please contact the below individual centers for more specific information about hours and programming.
Amherst Playgroup
1200 N Pleasant Street, Amherst
Site Contact: Marti Wiechman; mwiechman@collaborative.org
Amherst Spanish-Speaking Playgroups
ReNew Apartments; Picnic area, next to ReNew Apartments; 42 Southpoint Drive, Amherst
University Village; 990 N Pleasant St, Amherst
Site Contact: Rossana Salazar; rsalazar@collaborative.org
Belchertown Playgroup
Belchertown United Church of Christ, 20 Park Street, Belchertown
Site Contact: Caylin Hayley; chayley@collaborative.org
Chesterfield Playgroup
School Year: Chesterfield Community Center, 400 Main Road, Chesterfield
Summer: Russell Memorial Park, 15 South Street, Chesterfield
Site Contact: Jessica Loud; jloud@collaborative.org
Easthampton Family Center
School Year: Saint Philip’s Episcopal Church Parish Hall, 128 Main Street, Easthampton
Summer: Nonotuck Park Small Playground, 1 Daley Field Road, Easthampton
Site Contact: Angela Zammarelli; azammarelli@collaborative.org
Goshen Playgroup
Goshen Town Hall, 42 Main Street, Goshen
Site Contact: Jessica Loud; jloud@collaborative.org
Granby Playgroup
Granby Free Public Library, 297 East State Street, Granby
Site Contact: Marti Wiechman; mwiechman@collaborative.org
Granby Free Public Library Facebook
Hatfield Playgroup
Hatfield Library, 39 Main Street, Hatfield
Site Contact: Marti Wiechman; mwiechman@collaborative.org
Palmer/Monson Family Network
4 Springfield Street, Three Rivers (across from Hryniewicz Park)
Site Contact: Donna Jasak; djasak@collaborative.org
Pelham Library Playgroup
Pelham Public Library, 2 South Valley Road, Pelham
Site Contact: Michelle Mendes; mmendes@collaborative.org
Librarian: Jodi Levine; 413.253.0657
Music and Movement Leader: Wendy
South Hadley Playgroup
South Hadley Public Library, Storytime Room, 2 Canal Street, South Hadley
Site Contact: Debbie Mendes; dmendes@collaborative.org
Southampton Playgroup
Edwards Public Library, 30 East Street, Southampton
Site Contact: Jessica Loud; jloud@collaborative.org
Ware Family Center
School Year: United Church of Ware building, 49 Church Street, Ware
Summer: Beauregard Park, Route 9, Ware
Site Contact: Laurie Desjardins, ldesjardins@collaborative.org
Warren/West Brookfield Playgroup
School Year: Quaboag Regional Middle/High School, 284 Old West Brookfield Road, Warren
Summer: Cutter Park, 1226 Main Street, Warren
Site Contact: Laurie Desjardins, ldesjardins@collaborative.org
Westhampton Playgroup
Westhampton Public Library, 1 North Road, Westhampton
Site Contact: Jessica Loud; jloud@collaborative.org
Williamsburg Playgroup
Anne T. Dunphy School, 1 Petticoat Hill Road, Williamsburg
Site Contact: Jessica Loud; jloud@collaborative.org
For more information, contact:
Emily Ortiz Bouvier
Emily Ortiz Bouvier is the Administrative Assistant for the CES Early Childhood Department. She supports the department in partnering with families, programs, schools, and communities to nurture and honor the individual strengths of children while supporting the people who shepherd them through the critical first five years. She has been with Early Childhood since March of 2014.
Position: Administrative Assistant
Email: eortizbouvier@collaborative.org
Phone: 413-588-5568