At the CES Early Childhood Department, we understand the importance of giving infants, toddlers, and pre-schoolers access to the best quality care by parents and other caregivers alike. Research shows that the benefits of healthy brain development through quality education and care in the earliest years of a child’s life last well into adulthood. In other words, taking care of our children today is the best way to ensure a prosperous future for all of us.
Our Approach
We partner with families, programs, schools, and communities to nurture and honor the individual strengths of children while supporting the people who shepherd them through the critical first five years.
Services Include
- Parent education, resources, and support
- Early literacy programs
- Home visits
- Program/provider consultation in social-emotional health and early childhood mental health
- Early educator and provider professional development
- Screening and observational assessment CEU courses for early educators

Professional Development
Teachers and family child care providers are the cornerstone of quality early education and care programs. With well-trained staff, programs are better equipped to give children a safe, stable environment, address children’s needs, and foster growth while partnering with families to support children’s optimal development.
Early Childhood Consulting
We provide expertise, customized training and development, assessment and coaching, planning and resources in areas foundational to serving preschool and early grades children. Our consultants work with school-based educators and administrators as well as EEC-approved early childhood providers, Early Intervention programs, community and social services agencies, and children and families.
Parent/Childhood Programs (CFCE)
We partner with parents and care givers to promote child growth and development. We strive to honor and support parents and to provide the tools to respond creatively and flexibly to the unpredictable experience of raising young children. Our programs, consultation services, and workshops are built around the most current expert information and research and are designed to share new and effective ways of understanding and interacting with your child.
Early Childhood Mental Health
We offer ECMH Services for Hampshire and Franklin Counties through a subcontract with Behavioral Health Network, funded by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care. With parental consent, we provide support to parent/caregivers and early educators regarding child development and behavior. Classroom assessments are also available to support early educators around these areas, along with classroom climate and dynamics.
Strong Foundations for Young Children
Strong Foundations for Young Children provides free coaching, modeling, and support to Hampshire County families with infants and young children who are struggling with challenging behavior and delayed social emotional development.