Children, Youth, and Families

CES offers direct, cost-effective, quality services and programs for vulnerable children, youth and families. Birth – 22 Programs at CES include educational and learning programs provided directly to students and children that address gaps for students with unique needs. CES also provides resources, teaching, evaluation and assistance to parents and families.


Home E Children/Youth/Families

We believe everyone can learn and succeed.

CES specializes in programs and services that support children, families, and communities directly. Among the specialized programs that CES provides are:

Tuition Programs:

  • HEC Academy
  • Mount Tom Academy

Programs and Services for Students and Families:

  • Occupational Therapy Center
  • Center for Assistive Technology
  • Special Education Related Services
  • Early Childhood Family Centers, Playgroups, Parent Workshops, and ECMH
  • After School/21st Century Programs
  • Workforce Development for youth
  • Healthy Families and Communities

Statewide Programs for Students

  • Special Education Surrogate Parent Program
  • DYS Education Initiative
  • Migrant Education Program
  • Special Education in Institutional Settings
African American school boy being assisted by teacher with school work

Tuition Programs for Students

Mount Tom Academy

Mount Tom Academy is a student centered, individualized pathway to high school graduation and beyond, matched to each student’s own learning style, in a small classroom setting. Through a partnership with Holyoke Community College, Mount Tom Academy is located on the HCC campus.


HEC Academy

HEC Academy is an approved public day special education program in Northampton, MA that offers a small-school learning environment for high school students with social-emotional or behavioral challenges, autism spectrum disorder, and/or learning disabilities; or who are experiencing school refusal.

I think one of the greatest things this program did for me is to break me out of my shell and give me a voice of my own. I couldn’t have asked for better people to have been surrounded by.


— Mount Tom Academy student

Services for Students and Families

21st Century After School Programs

The 21st Century After School Programs incorporate a balance of fun activities in a safe, supportive environment. Through our programs, students strengthen their academic skills, deepen communication skills with adults and peers, and engage in project-based learning and cross-curricular activities.

Special Education Services

Our staff of highly qualified professionals is available to provide direct and consultative services to support local programming efforts. CES offers services for  occupational therapy; vision, orientation, and mobility; and assistive technology.

Early Childhood

Whether you are a parent looking for support and answers to your many questions, or an early childhood educator looking for professional growth opportunities, we can help.

Workforce Development

CES partners with school districts to plan and implement a variety of workforce and career development programs for students, including programs for skills training, career development, and internships, to support students who are ready to pursue their career aspirations.

Healthy Families and Communities

The CES Healthy Families and Communities team has over sixteen years of experience at the local level, planning, coordinating, and supporting effective public health and prevention programs addressing health, nutrition and food insecurity, fitness, underage substance abuse prevention, school climate and bullying, and trauma-informed communities.

Statewide Contracts Serving Children and Youth

DYS Education

The Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) is a partner to the Massachusetts Department of Youth Services (DYS) in creating access statewide to high-quality secondary and post-secondary education, career exploration, and workforce development opportunities for youth in the care and custody of DYS.


The Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) is the Contracted Provider for SEIS, a program of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). We coordinate and deliver special education services to students in the care of the Department of Youth Services (DYS), Department of Mental Health (DMH), Department of Public Health (DPH), and the County Houses of Correction (CHC).

Migrant Education

The Massachusetts Migrant Education Program (MMEP) supports migratory children and youth to overcome educational disruption, cultural and language barriers, social isolation, various health-related problems, and other factors that may inhibit their ability to succeed in school.  


The Massachusetts Special Education Surrogate Parent Program (SESPP) appoints trained volunteers across the Commonwealth to act as special education decision-makers for students who have no parent or legal guardian. 

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