Woody Clift has over twenty years’ experience in collaborating with stakeholders across disciplines towards improving educational, social, emotional, and life outcomes for youth placed at risk. Early in his career, he helped to design, implement, and replicate an innovative school based early intervention mental health project in the Oakland Public Schools intended to reduce barriers to learning and keep youth in school. He provided training and technical assistance to urban and rural schools alike for the National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention, responsible for supporting districts in creating engaging, safe, and supportive schools; is a licensed superintendent and principal in Massachusetts; and earned his Ph.D. in Education Policy, Leadership, and Administration from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
He is dedicated to addressing issues of inequity and social justice through education and collaboration and continues to lead CES efforts to create and sustain high quality, engaging, relevant, and personalized educational experiences for youth involved in the juvenile justice system in Massachusetts.

Woody Clift, Ph.D.
Director of DYS Education Initiative