Ross Newton is a History Teacher at HEC Academy in Northampton, a special education public high school of the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES). Ross relates history to students’ lives through primary source inquiry and counternarratives about the agency and collective power of historically marginalized groups. He earned a B.A. from Hampshire College and a Ph.D. in History from Northeastern University and studied Social Studies Curriculum and Instruction at Boston University. Ross has published on topics in early American and public history and consulted for public history sites in Boston and Philadelphia. He has over a decade of teaching experience, sharing history with school groups and the general public at public history sites and working as an adjunct professor at Northeastern and LaSalle Universities. He taught high school history in Springfield, Massachusetts, supported students’ academics at a partial hospitalization program for adolescents in crisis, and created inquiry-based curricula for HEC students. He is a disability history consultant for Art-Reach Philadelphia. He contributes to Emerging America’s Reform to Equal Rights: K-12 Disability Curriculum, and to CES workshops, conference panels, and graduate courses on teaching history to diverse students.