Gini Tate has been practicing law since 1978. Her practice in the area of education covers a spectrum of issues including student discipline, special education, Education Reform, due process rights of teachers and other school employees, and other employment matters, academic freedom and civil rights. She also participates in the collective bargaining process on behalf of her education clients. She has served as counsel to over 60 school committees and private schools, providing advice on a daily basis as well as advocacy in litigation and in hearings before administrative agencies. Ms. Tate frequently litigates issues before the Bureau of Special Education Appeals, the Office for Civil Rights, the Labor Relations Commission, and arbitrators on behalf of school systems. She has represented school committees and superintendents at all levels of the court system, including the Supreme Judicial Court, in key decisions on teacher tenure, the right of a district court judge to order a special education, residential placement, due process rights of principals and assistant principals in a reorganization and the appropriateness of a school-based IEP.She has conducted numerous workshops and seminars on a wide range of educational issues including developments in special education, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, teacher evaluation, teacher and administrator liability and student discipline. She is the author of a number of articles on various aspects of education and employment issues in the public sector.Ms. Tate is a summa cum laude graduate of Chestnut Hill College and a cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School. She has been a partner at Murphy, Hesse, Toomey, and Lehane since 1987.

Regina Tate