MaryBeth Davidson brings extensive experience in the field of education to her position at the Collaborative for Educational Services. She is an educational consultant specializing in supervision and evaluation, principal mentoring in all facets of the position, and educator/administrator relicensing support in Massachusetts, Vermont and New York. Her vast experience in urban and rural school districts as an assistant superintendent, principal, and middle and elementary school classroom teacher provide her with an invaluable level of expertise and understanding of leadership and school effectiveness.
She was lead curriculum and test development specialist for Pearson assisting NYSTCE with their School Building Leader and Teacher Annual Professional Performance Review including the development of educator rubrics, assessments, crosswalks and learning progressions, as well as offering on-site and remote training of school leaders and teachers in the implementation process. MaryBeth was invited by the Council of Chief State School Officers to be a critical reader for the INTASC Learning Progressions. She has taught numerous professional development classes throughout New England and New York and continues to contribute to the field of education at CES.