Maria Geueke graduated with a Bilingual, E.S.L., Multicultural Education Masters in 2016 and is currently a third year Doctoral student in Language, Literacy, and Culture at the College of Education, University of Massachusetts Amherst. Maria is a former pre-service teacher at Springfield Central High School, English Language Teacher and an ELL resource for a district in Central Massachusetts, and Special Education teacher at Holyoke High School. She is currently an advocate for Emergent Bilinguals and Exceptional Learners and teaches at Marcus M Kiley Middle School in Springfield, MA. Maria has presented at local, national, and international conferences in supporting the diverse needs of English Language Learners, including the Massachusetts Association for Teachers of Speakers of Other Languages (MATSOL), The International Conference on Poverty, Globalization, and Schooling: A Holistic Approach, and American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL). Maria participated in the MCU Next Generation Course MATSOL/MDESE.