Laurel Dickey is a literacy specialist and has been a professional development provider at the Collaborative for Educational Services in Northampton, Massachusetts since 1993. Her long commitment to ensuring that all young children excel as literacy learners has informed her work over the past 30 years with young children who are struggling with literacy learning, and in training teachers who work with these children. She has provided coaching support to classroom teachers, interventionists, and licensure candidates; professional development to teachers on topics ranging from “Implementing Differentiated Instruction” to “Powerful Mini-Lessons during Writing Instruction”. Laurel has provided training to Reading Recovery teachers and also presented frequently at conferences, locally and nationally. Concurrently, Laurel has also worked as a primary grade Reading Interventionist in several school districts in Western Massachusetts and supports various regional early literacy efforts. She is also the author of a number of beginning reading books used with primary grade students. Prior to her work at the Collaborative, Laurel taught first, second, and fourth grades.
Laurel Dickey
Literacy Specialist/Reading Recovery Teacher Leader