Gwynne Morrissey, Ph.D., is program evaluator for the Department of Youth Services Education Initiative. Gwynne specializes in utilization-focused program evaluation and design research, focusing on the collection and use of relevant, authentic data for instructional and programmatic improvement. She leads a multi-agency team in a long-term project to streamline data collection across partner and external organizations, identify administrative data needs and challenges, and report on incarcerated youths’ longitudinal educational, vocational, and social outcomes. In addition to juvenile justice expertise, Gwynne specializes in the design and evaluation of teacher education and professional development, and has experience working with students with special needs and their teachers. Prior to doctoral work in Educational Foundations and Policy at the University of Michigan, she was a Teacher of the Deaf focused on literacy in pre-K through 8th grade classrooms. She has conducted program evaluations for the University of Michigan School of Education and Title I-funded transformational schools in the large, urban Fort Worth, TX, Independent School District. She has designed and facilitated training on assessment design and data use for urban, suburban, and rural educators and administrators.

Gwynne Morrissey
Senior Research and Evaluation Specialist, DYS