Gail provides evaluation and technical assistance support to multiple projects to develop and implement proven prevention strategies using evidence-based approaches and the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF). She has provided support as an environmental strategies specialist to the SPIFFY coalition. She specializes in identifying and assisting with grant writing, data collection and health assessments including the PNAS, assisting partner coalitions and task forces, planning and facilitating meetings, developing strategic action plans, and developing and supporting stakeholder relationships. Prior to her work with CES, Gail was a prevention specialist with the Western Massachusetts Center for Healthy Communities and a public health and human services consultant. She has written successful grant proposals to SAMSHA, HRSA, MDPH, BSAS, USDOE, OJJDP, and numerous community foundations.
Gail Gramarossa, MPH, CHES
Prevention, Evaluation, and Technical Assistance Specialist
(413) 588-5582