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Allan Blume

Allan Blume is an educational consultant who works with schools across Massachusetts regarding a variety of topics in education. He has guided school personnel with understanding and implementing individualized education programs, disability awareness, special education process, inclusion, eligibility, Section 504, linking instruction to standards, district evaluation of inclusion and special education provision as well as assisting school districts with the creation and editing of their District Curriculum Accommodation Plans.

Allan was an associate professor of practice at Simmons University in the Department of Special Education for 23 years where he taught courses on the laws and regulations of special education, IEP development, special education administration and practicum and seminar for pre-service educators. Prior to his work at Simmons, he taught for 18 years as a special education teacher in collaboratives and public schools working with students with moderate and intensive special education needs.  In addition, Allan has been a speaker at regional, state, national and international conferences.

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