Adam Stumacher is a program associate at Engaging Schools. His roles in urban middle and high schools over more than 20 years include teacher, lead teacher, instructional coach, and director of instruction. He has deep experience designing and delivering professional development, leading student achievement and school climate data cycles, redesigning curricula and master schedules, and crafting schoolwide discipline and student support structures. Adam has also implemented programs in advisory, postsecondary planning, teacher evaluation, youth empowerment, and family and community engagement. He has been honored as a multiple recipient of the Sontag Prize in Urban Education and received a fellowship at the Lynch Leadership Academy at Boston College.
Adam is also an author whose commentaries on education appear regularly on NPR, and whose fiction and essays have appeared in numerous publications. He holds degrees from Cornell University and Saint Mary’s College and was the Carol Houck Smith fellow at the University of Wisconsin. He has taught classes and given lectures at many universities including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Harvard Kennedy School.