…than just a gathering place for children. Home E Search query for: site/programs licensure academics programs reading specialist CES CFCE Family Centers and Playgroups Family centers are a…
Search Results
New Easthampton superintendent to shine spotlight on academics, consolidated school in design
…LeClair said that the math, reading, music, and arts programs are strong and that there are many students and parents in the community that take pride in their schools. A…
Local legislator visits Reading Recovery Program in West Springfield
…Specialist and Teacher Leader for the site. Reading Recovery is a nationally recognized, evidence-based literacy intervention for children who are at risk for reading difficulties. Reading Recovery plays a vital…
Setting the Stage for Future Educators
…Former Director, CES Licensure Programs. A shortage of teachers in the early 2000s led to the start of the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) licensure program as an alternative path…
Educator Preparation programs win approval from the MA Office of Educator Licensure
…In addition to the approval of our teacher Initial licensure programs, CES was also approved to offer two Administrator licensure programs, Principal/Assistant Principal (PreK-6, 5-5, and 9-12), and Supervisor/Director, All…
Title I and English Learner Services
…(EL). Home E Search query for: site/programs licensure academics programs reading specialist Title I Programming Currently, DYS has a team of six Literacy Specialists, who provide support to English…
Specialized Reading Approaches
Required for License(s): Reading Specialist (All Levels) The focus of this course is on the variety of instructional reading programs utilized in many of today’s schools. This course will provide…
Assessment for Reading Instruction
Required for License(s): Moderate Disabilities – Initial Reading Specialist The focus of this course is the assessment of what students identified with reading and/or writing difficulties understand about the reading…
Student Resources
Home E Search query for: site/programs licensure academics programs reading specialist Student Resources Click the boxes below to find resources, information, and forms for potential and current students. Educator Licensure…
Paraprofessional Training
Home E Search query for: site/programs licensure academics programs reading specialist The CES Paraprofessional Course Series There are over 1 million paraprofessionals currently serving in U.S. schools. These professionals are…