…CAGS options are available. This course is included in your CES Initial Licensure tuition cost if it is required for your program. If you are a Licensure Enrollee and your…
Search Results
Working with the Range of Students in Mathematics
…options are available. This course is included in your CES Initial Licensure tuition cost if it is required for your program. If you are a Licensure Enrollee and your account…
Literacy Learning for Pre-Adolescents and Adolescents
…options are available. Cost and Registration This course is included in your CES Initial Licensure tuition cost if it is required for your program. If you are a Licensure Enrollee…
Assessment for Reading Instruction
…taken individually for professional development and/or license renewal. Important Notice for License Program Enrollees: Licensure Program Enrollees must take courses in sequence. Course Structure The first synchronous meeting session will…
Theory and Practice of Acquiring a Second Language
…for professional development and/or license renewal. Important Notice for License Program Enrollees: Licensure Program Enrollees must take courses in sequence. Course Structure This course includes a mix of asynchronous and…
Working with the Struggling Reader
…available. This course is included in your CES Initial Licensure tuition cost if it is required for your program. If you are a Licensure Enrollee and your account is in…
Understanding Differences and Disabilities
…are a Licensure Enrollee and your account is in good standing, please indicate your status when registering for the course. This course may also be taken individually for professional development…
Weather Emergencies and Notices
…and cancellations. For questions, please contact one of the following departments: Licensure: registrar@collaborative.org CES Events/Professional Development: events@collaborative.org SEI Courses: achurch@collaborative.org Early Childhood: eortizbouvier@collaborative.org HEC Academy/Mount Tom Academy: kreuter@collaborative.org Occupational…
Massachusetts Special Education Surrogate Parent Program Transitions to Collaborative for Educational Services
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has awarded the statewide Massachusetts Special Education Surrogate Parent (SESP) Program contract to Collaborative for Educational Services (CES), effective July 1,…
Special Education Services
…assistive technology. Home E Search query for: services professional development massachusetts licensure academy ( Page 10 ) Services may be arranged on a one-time or continuing basis: Support services…