Home E Search query for: events and courses windows history research build local history website your class ( Page 5 ) Transition Assessment and Planning Services CES offers transition assessments…
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Donate to the Native Education at CES Fund
Home E Search query for: events and courses windows history research build local history website your class ( Page 5 ) Native Education at CES Fund Native Ed@ CES has…
GusNIP Produce Prescription Program boosts healthy food availability and support for local residents
…food.” Seven explained that, as a researcher, she would be “working with other researchers and research assistants at UMass to evaluate the effect of the Produce Prescription Program through data…
Educational Research
…primary sources, and the development of an educational research proposal using research and the teacher as researcher, are explored. Students will be prepared to evaluate research carried out by others…
… Home E Search query for: events and courses windows history research build local history website your class ( Page 5 ) Data, Research, and Policy There must be sound…
Humanizing the History of Genocide in the Classroom
…teacher and Smith College history lecturer. Kate has taught about the history of genocide for over twenty years and has worked extensively in regions affected by genocide. This workshop will…
Tech school adds college-prep, AP courses
…this year added junior and senior AP English classes and an AP statistics class to its academic program, and an AP computer science class in the programming and Web design…
Healthy Hampshire Receives CISA 2022 Local Hero Award
…Hero Awards. CISA has been working for over 25 years to build a stronger, more resilient, and more just local food system. The organization envisions a local food system where…
Joan E. Schuman Scholarship Fund
Home E Search query for: events and courses windows history research build local history website your class ( Page 5 ) Their dreams should be unlimited. “The future belongs to…
Home E Search query for: events and courses windows history research build local history website your class ( Page 5 ) Join Us in This Work! Our mission…