Required for License(s): Biology/Chemistry/Earth and Space Science/Physics/Science/General Science/English/History/Humanities/Social Sciences – Initial (5-8)(8-12) Moderate Disabilities – Initial (PreK-8)(5-12) The course is a survey of the general field of learning disabilities, including…
Search Results
Lia Atanat
As the outreach and professional development coordinator at Maryland Humanities, Lia Atanat visits schools all over Maryland to get students and teachers excited about National History Day and Thinkport primary…
Connecting with a new generation: Amherst program links students of Cambodian descent to their roots
…reminded of many basic words in that language while attending an after-school program that also offers an understanding of Cambodia’s history and culture. “It’s fun and I really like it,”…
PraacticalAAC Blog Post by Jeanne Tuthill
…Each time I teach my graduate class I try to invite at least one AAC user in as a guest speaker to share their story with the students in the…
Greenfield High School honors 2020 graduates with fairgrounds ceremony
…“I don’t think any of us could have possibly imagined graduation in the middle of a horse track, yet here we are,” said Class President Kevin Chen. When students and…
CROSS-CULTURAL BONDS Inside a French foreign exchange program at Hampshire Regional High School
…in the trip. “All the class wanted to take part,” he said. At Hampshire Regional having multiple fluent, native French speakers talk with each other in the classroom doesn’t typically…
Occupational Therapy Center
…and courses windows history research build local history website your class ( Page 33 ) Caring and Experienced Therapists with Special Expertise Our therapeutic space offers state-of-the-art equipment and a…
Strong bonds at Granby High: ‘We will always have each other’
GRANBY — The strong bond that members of the Granby Junior Senior High School Class of 2019 have forged over the years was emphasized at the commencement ceremony Saturday morning….
AMHERST REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grads urged to ‘change the world’
…a laugh. Kern was one of the 209 students from the Class of 2019 to graduate Friday from Amherst Regional High School. Interim Principal Miki Gromacki described the class as…
How to reach students without internet access during coronavirus? Schools get creative
…because of the coronavirus crisis. But while many districts around the country have moved to remote learning platforms like Google Classroom, Coe was using the school’s copy machine to put…