Home E Search query for: events and courses windows history research build local history website your class ( Page 29 ) Our Approach We seek to create effective community health…
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How do you use iPads and tablets?
…Regional MKEA Leadership Network set up last year. Her question: How are adults and children in other districts are using iPads/tablets in pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classrooms? Here is a synopsis…
Literacy + Social Emotional + One-on-One Time…in just 10 minutes!
…Weebly site to learn more. You can find overviews, testimonials, training and classroom videos, and a teacher guide (complete with embedded videos). The website is full of high-quality resources and…
Professional Development in DYS Education
…to meet the diverse needs of the DYS population. Home E Search query for: events and courses windows history research build local history website your class ( Page 29 )…
Hope or Hype? Exploring Virtual Reality in the Secondary Classroom
…apps and programs and draw their own conclusions about VR’s potential place in their classroom, department, and school A team of CES researchers have been examining research about virtual reality,…
Karen Auerbach, PhD
…was a Research Associate with the Research and Evaluation Department at the Collaborative for Educational Services for 6 years, and assisted with SPIFFY’s Prevention Needs Assessment Survey during that time….
Special Education Services
…assistive technology. Home E Search query for: events and courses windows history research build local history website your class ( Page 29 ) Services may be arranged on a…
Workforce Development
Home E Search query for: events and courses windows history research build local history website your class ( Page 29 ) Workforce Development Programs Perkins Consortium The Collaborative for Educational…
Turners Falls High School seniors surprised with parade
MONTAGUE — The Class of 2020 is grappling with what has become an unusual graduation season, due to restrictions on large public gatherings that have resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic….
Pioneer looks to start newspaper
…students the fundamentals of journalism, but allow them to produce a student newspaper. Despres, who will teach the class, proposed the idea to new Pioneer Principal Jean Bacon. “The idea…