Search Results

Results for "events and courses windows history research build local history website your class"

Where Now?

…topics, and transitioning to snack, lunch, recess, specials…and home again. Within our classrooms and buildings we can be in perpetual transition – new processes, examining and implementing new techniques and

Coalition Building

Home E Search query for: events and courses windows history research build local history website your class ( Page 25 ) Building Community Coalitions We help launch and sustain community…

Migrant Education Program

…their ability to succeed in school.     Home E Search query for: events and courses windows history research build local history website your class ( Page 25 ) We…

Shephali Chokshi

…receiving grants to travel to Peru and Panama to research math stories, collaborating with curriculum developers to design STEAM challenges, and writing a Barron’s Test Prep study guide prior to…

After School Programming During the Crisis

…Century Learning Grants, as well as two fee-for-service programs. These After School Programs serve approximately 750 students in total. As host schools closed their buildings for the COVID-19 crisis, CES…

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