Home E Search query for: events and courses windows history research build local history website your class ( Page 19 ) Thinking Differently About Students in Poverty Our Approach Young…
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ISTE Certification
…Home E Search query for: events and courses windows history research build local history website your class ( Page 19 ) What is ISTE Certification? ISTE Certification for Educators is…
First Annual Excellence in Education: Living our Guiding Principles Monthly Award
…the opportunity to earn college credits toward degree programs through online college courses and college courses taught in DYS facilities by adjunct faculty from one of our higher education partners….
The Arts
Home E Search query for: events and courses windows history research build local history website your class ( Page 19 ) Our Approach We know that institutions are a network…
Support for the NEW Massachusetts IEP
Home E Search query for: events and courses windows history research build local history website your class ( Page 19 ) We want to support you in implementing the changes…
Mohawk gets planning grant for agricultural program
…and Mathematics) courses, club activities and field trips. In high school, students will have the opportunity to enroll in school-based agricultural science courses, take dual-enrollment school-year and summer courses at…
Emerging America: Immigration Issues in Perspective for Diverse Learners
This online course will harness current events to deepen understanding of immigration across American history, from the founding of the nation through today. Immigration has a strong appeal for its…
Laurie Risler
Laurie Risler is a former elementary school teacher. She now teaches education courses at Westfield State University. She has co-led professional development programs in history for the Collaborative for Educational…
Local schools to form rural association
…per student this year. Exemption from a state School Building Authority rule that requires districts to return state money used to renovate school buildings if those under-used buildings are later…
Attleboro youngsters prepare for school with local/state program
…expanded summer learning opportunities across the state, smoothing the transition to in-person learning. “Research continues to show that a strong foundation entering school sets students up for long-term academic success,”…