Search Results

Results for "events and courses teaching grades k 5 civic engagement and social studies two days"

Edwin Teaching & Learning support has closed

According to the May 1 Commissioner’s Weekly Update, ESE has learned that Thinkgate, the vendor supporting the EDWIN Teaching & Learning system, closed as of Thursday, April 30th. ESE has…

Larry Dieringer

…climate and culture initiatives, student engagement, continuous school improvement, and systemic reform. He began his career as a secondary school social studies teacher and youth wilderness program director and has…

Kate Lytton, M.S.

Kate Lytton brings over 20 years of experience in social research, including needs assessment, strategic planning, evaluation design, survey research, and qualitative methods, to her program evaluation work at CES….

Ray Keough

Ray Keough is currently an ELA teacher at Diman Regional Vocational Technical High School in Fall River, MA. He also teaches vocational certification, licensure, and degree courses for Fitchburg State…

Tuition and Fees

The CES Licensure Program is among the most affordable teacher licensure programs in the Commonwealth.     Home E Search query for: events and courses teaching grades k 5 civic

Curriculum Consulting

…wellbeing. Home E Search query for: events and courses teaching grades k 5 civic engagement and social studies two days ( Page 21 ) Helping Schools Create Stronger, More Inclusive…

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