…Pessac, which is located in southwesternFrance near Bordeaux. The students visited Hampshire Regional last week and had spent several days in New York City before coming to western Massachusetts. They…
Search Results
Ed Tech & Ice Cream: The Beginning
…And ice cream (or frozen yogurt or sorbet or creamee/kreamee/kreemy) is a great analogy for the ISTE Certification process. Stay with me here (you know Suzanne loves a good analogy)!…
Strong bonds at Granby High: ‘We will always have each other’
…have known each other for the majority of our lives and many of us will keep this bond for the rest of our time in this world,” said Gordon, who…
Schools end blizzard bag program after state cancels initiative
…to students to complete at home on snow days. Each bag counts as one day of attendance, meaning schools do not need to tack on an extra day to the…
Easthampton chooses LeClair for superintendent
EASTHAMPTON — The choice came down to taking a risk on passion or going with a proven track record ready to hit the ground running as the Easthampton School Committee…
Student-Centered Programs Help Kids Feel Connected
…and implementation of a new high school (grades 7-12) after school program. The Mahar program, like other locations, will support academic goals, but also social emotional skills like leadership, communication…
US Department of Ed Selects HEC Academy as Green Ribbon award winner
…public day special education program for youth in grades 9-12 who are eligible to receive services via an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Students typically present with social-emotional challenges, learning disabilities,…
Roberta Frederick
Roberta Frederick holds a Masters of Education in English as a Second Language. She has taught English learners in grades 6-12, developed curriculum for English learners in grades K-12, and…
A new report says Massachusetts schools are the best in the nation
School just got back in session after winter break, but Massachusetts already has top grades on its report card. The 20th edition of Education Week’s Quality Counts report, released Thursday,…
Literacy Center
…for: events and courses teaching grades k 5 civic engagement and social studies two days ( Page 18 ) The CES Literacy Center A structured literacy approach encompasses the critical…