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Results for "events and courses right privacy"


…educational resources, and more!   Home E Search query for: events and courses right privacy ( Page 5 ) Community Youth substance use prevention is founded on the theory that…

Weather Emergencies and Notices

and cancellations.   For questions, please contact one of the following departments: Licensure: CES Events/Professional Development: SEI Courses: Early Childhood: HEC Academy/Mount Tom Academy: Occupational…

English Learner Education

and courses right privacy ( Page 5 ) Supporting Multilingual Learners Our Approach We use a whole-child, whole-school, and whole-community approach to create a better learning experience for both students…

Setting the Stage for Future Educators

…licensure for teachers willing to commit to teaching in a partner district.  In the early days, courses were developed through a collaborative process between Dr. Lubinsky and experts in the…

Carmelo Chiello

Carmelo has taught several courses with CES since 2013, including ESL licensure courses, and both the traditional and vocational education Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) courses required by DESE. Over the…

New Research about Data Collection

…with research that supports improved student learning outcomes, including findings from the learning sciences. Citizen 2.3.d. Model and promote management of personal data and digital identity to protect student data privacy….

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