…in history and civics education. That includes development and sharing of stories of disabled advocates for equal rights so that students who are so often excluded see themselves as agents…
Search Results
Allan Blume
…taught courses on the laws and regulations of special education, IEP development, special education administration and practicum and seminar for pre-service educators. Prior to his work at Simmons, he taught…
Working in DYS Education
…this describes you, we want you to join our amazing team of educators! Home E Search query for: events and courses right privacy ( Page 25 ) DYS Careers We…
Accessing Inquiry for Students with Disabilities through Primary Sources
…Westfield State University. Special fee of $100 thanks to a Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) grant. For more information on this and other Emerging America courses: http://www.emergingamerica.org/professional-development…
Back to school: Dual enrollment, early college programs a boon for area high schoolers
…courses or students with intellectual disabilities experiencing campus life with their peers, so-called dual enrollment programs are expanding across the state. And with them come the benefits of college coursework…
DYS Education Partners With Berklee Online
…music courses that are taught remotely by Berklee professors. The majority of the partnerships are in Massachusetts through DYS, with additional partnerships in California, Texas, and Missouri. Michael Moyes, Chief…
Jeff Zilch
…a variety of Social Studies courses at the middle and high school levels. His curriculum work includes US1, USII, World 1, World 2, Geography, Civics, Psychology, and AP Psychology. Jeff…
Kelley Brown speaks at Mitchell Chester’s ESE All Staff Meeting
…American History Teacher of the Year, Brown is also the past head of the Social Studies department at Easthampton High School, and a frequent instructor of professional development courses at…
Curriculum Support
Home E Search query for: events and courses right privacy ( Page 25 ) DYS Curricula We are committed to providing educators and youth with high quality curricular resources that…
Theory and Practice of Acquiring a Second Language
…for professional development and/or license renewal. Important Notice for License Program Enrollees: Licensure Program Enrollees must take courses in sequence. Course Structure This course includes a mix of asynchronous and…