…night. Over the past year, Follansbee has had a full desk. She has tackled racism and hate allegations at the city’s high school that drew a civil rights investigation by…
Search Results
David L. Hudson Jr.
…much of his career, he has worked on First Amendment issues. He serves as a Justice Robert H. Jackson Legal Fellow for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education and…
ESE votes to endorse practices for safe and supportive learning for LGBTQ students
…identity. 6. Schools, through their curricula, shall encourage respect for the human and civil rights of all individuals, including LGBTQ individuals. 7. Schools are encouraged to provide age-appropriate information about…
Annual Legal Issues Seminar: Special Education
…rights, discipline, the First Amendment, as well as recent state and federal laws and regulations that impact schools. Through in-depth discussions, case studies, and practical scenarios, participants will learn what…
Poverty, segregation persist in U.S. schools, report says
…Commission on Civil Rights. The commission said inequities are caused by the fact that schools are most funded with state and local tax dollars. More than 92 percent of funding…
Title IX – US Department of Education issues policy letter
The US Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights recently issued a policy letter to public school districts reminding administrators of their obligation to designate at least one individual to…
Conference draws 140 educators in discussion of how to manage race, polarizing conversations in schools
…SPIFFY Coalition Coordinator In past years, conferences addressed mental health needs of students as well as safeguarding student rights. ‘It’s about listening to educators and students about what they need….
Massachusetts Special Education Surrogate Parent Program Transitions to Collaborative for Educational Services
…of the students it serves, as well as the rights and responsibilities of the SESP volunteers. The SESP Program works in partnership with the Massachusetts Federation for Children with Special…
Obama Education Rules Are Swept Aside by Congress
…intervene in failing schools. Mr. Obama called the bill a bipartisan “Christmas miracle.” The National Council of La Raza, a Latino-rights organization, gave ESSA’s two Senate co-sponsors, Patty Murray of…
New Easthampton superintendent to shine spotlight on academics, consolidated school in design
…radar … We are taking a look at challenges around civil rights issues at the high school and district wide and how we are supporting students and families around these…