A series of education, family medicine, food access and infrastructure projects across Franklin and Hampshire counties are among the local recipients included in a $3.76 billion spending package signed into…
Search Results
Hawlemont School to hold annual celebration Friday
CHARLEMONT, MA — Hawlemont is holding its second annual celebration of the new farm-based curriculum on Friday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the school. Student exhibits, student-guided tours,…
Local educators celebrate Pioneer Valley Excellence in Teaching Awards
…Valley Excellence in Teaching Award, from the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. Recipients are nominated and chosen within their district based on teaching practices, professional development, good attendance on the job, and…
The election challenge: A race to the White House with this many turns has teachers scrambling
…far away from real issues. A presidential election usually gives Mahar a chance to hold issues-based scavenger hunts in which students match the candidate with the issues they represent and…
Benefits Overview
Home E Search query for: events and courses project based learning institute ( Page 46 ) Our goal is to create a Community of Care for you and for your…
2024 CADCA National Leadership Forum
…Leadership Forum in Maryland. The conference kicked off with SAMHSA’s 20th Annual Prevention Day, and featured workshops and trainings on school-based prevention efforts, amplifying youth voices in prevention, innovative evidence-based…
Working to Help People Grows Important life Skills
…in Hatfield. Doug also works at Northampton High School and Full of Grace Farm, all part of his involvement with the Community Based Work Experience (CBWE) program; a supportive functional…
Teaching World Geography and Ancient Civilizations
Would you like to get practical training in the geographic and historical content and inquiry-based strategies and resources for instruction that address Massachusetts History and Social Science Standards for grades…
Rural School Aid in State Budget
…Leverett Pond, and $50,000 for the Athol-based North Quabbin Community Coalition’s school-based health program. Baker also rejected a pilot plan to discount tolls for motorists who commute during off-peak hours….
A meeting of the minds: Sunderland sixth-graders interview UMass graduate students for podcasts
…plan to be finished around Friday, March 13. “It’s a pretty extensive project,” Copeland said. After encouraging the students to pick a subject that interests them, Copeland invited graduate students…