Search Results

Results for "events and courses project based learning institute"

AI in the Classroom PLC

This professional learning community (PLC) is for classroom educators in a school setting in Massachusetts. This PLC will be a place for educators interested in AI in the Classroom to…

Northampton Public Schools receive FRESH grant

The Northampton Public School District was one of 17 recipients of a Massachusetts Farming Reinforces Education and Student Health (FRESH) grant. Awards which total $300,000 to Expand Nutrition Learning Opportunities…

Indian Country is Calling 

At the November meeting of the CES N8tive Education Practices Professional Learning Community (PLC), co-facilitators shared their personal experiences in seeing Thanksgiving Day in a fundamentally different way. The myth…

Guided Discipline for Middle and High School Classrooms

This virtual professional learning series equips teachers to Organize classrooms to create optimal conditions for learning Implement a preventive, problem solving and restorative approach to discipline Respond to a wider…

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