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Results for "events and courses project based learning institute"

Technology Update at HEC Academy

…Academy is an alternative learning program of the Collaborative for Educational Services in Northampton, MA For more information about the HEC Academy High School and Middle School program, visit….

How do you use iPads and tablets?

…activity to support the content they are learning (reading, math and handwriting goals) at a center. For example, children are directed to specific Apps and games, and classroom teachers download…

Grading for Equity Book Study

Do you want to make your grading practices more equitable? Join this year-long study using the book Grading for Equity where you will build a research-based foundation for teaching and

Academic Language

…facilitate teacher understanding of how academic language impacts learning. Participants will investigate: Why some students will develop stronger academic language skills than others unless academic language features are explicitly taught,…

Isolda Ortega-Bustamante named as Development Director at CES

…public sector fundraising and development experience to her new position. In addition, he said, “Isolda has a wealth of experience in developing partnerships with foundations, community-based organizations, universities, and community…

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