…Rights in Education and a First Amendment Fellow for the Freedom Forum Institute. For 17 years, he was an attorney and scholar at the First Amendment Center in Nashville, Tennessee….
Search Results
Northfield Environmental Educator honored by town
…of STEM RAYS, students annually attend a science program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). A regular classroom program sees students raise and release brook trout. Loubris said the…
Report: High demand but high cost for voc-tech programs
…for Vocational and Technical Education, bringing together organizations as varied as the blue chip Massachusetts Competitive Partnership, the interfaith Massachusetts Communities Action Network, and think tanks Pioneer Institute and MassINC…
CES Executive Director Gazda on WHMP Afternoon Buzz podcast with Sheryl Stanton and Buz Eisenberg.
…safety precautions and masking in Massachusetts school districts. The podcast took place just as the vote was proceeding that gave Commissioner Riley the authority to institute the statewide mask mandate…
DYS Statewide Youth Showcase 3rd Annual Event is a big success!
…Jeffrey Brown from Rebuilding Every Community Around Peace, and Clementina Chery from the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute also supported the event and delivered positive messages to match the uplifting…
Paid STEM Internships
Interns in our paid STEM internship program will gain excellent exposure to the workplace and earn real STEM skills. Home E Search query for: events and courses project based learning…
Deepening Paraeducator Skills at Erving Elementary School
…Erving Elementary School, with each paraeducator completing an independent learning project based on their particular interest. When complete, they will share their work with the Erving Elementary School educator team….
What does observation-based formative assessment look like in practice?
Submitted by Stephanie Lyda, MKEA Regional Coordinator for the Southeast Region This 11-minute video shows kindergarten classrooms in North Carolina using observational formative assessment. With thoughtful comments by teachers, and…
Whately teacher selected for Global Learning Fellowship
WHATELY — Terri Anderson, a Whately Elementary School teacher, is one of 48 public educators nationwide to receive a Global Learning Fellowship with the NEA Foundation this year. “As a…
Social Emotional Learning in Early Childhood
This professional development session is designed to assist educators in supporting and developing young children’s social skills. We will share strategies for modifying the learning environment, incorporating sensory and movement…