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Results for "events and courses nurturing student inquiry and student voice through informational texts summer"

Leading to Improve Outcomes for English Learners

…investigate instructional leadership and research-based Tier 1 instruction. Our inquiry into leadership will include anti-racism, trauma-engaged practice, instructional leadership, Massachusetts’ Blueprint for EL Success, and leading for students with limited…

Lynan Cerruti joins Mount Tom Academy

…Mount Tom students. For the Humanities and Arts elective, students can design their own projects based on their perspective and interests. Two students spoke about developing work around music, so…

Technology Update at HEC Academy

NORTHAMPTON, MA – HEC Academy rolled out a new one-to-one laptop initiative for students last week, the culmination of years of review, research and planning. HEC Academy students now have…

School panel takes aim at gun violence

…class … and then the phone rang, a voice telling us to turn out the lights, lock the door and get down on the floor,” Thalheimer recalled in front of…

Tech AP program wins honor

…programs for the school. The College Board also recognized FCTS for a diverse student population and its overall participation of students taking the AP exams. Eighteen schools in Massachusetts were…

Rural School Aid awarded to local districts

…these leaders as we strive to ensure quality education for our rural students.” School districts that qualify for Rural School Aid have fewer than 21 students per square mile in…

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