Search Results

Results for "events and courses iste certification training educators"

504 Coordinators Community of Practice

…agenda (10 minutes) Sharing problems of practice. (50 minutes) State / federal / research updates for team leaders (15 minutes) Q&A about the topic for the mini-training (15 minutes) Leading…

Mary Schreiber

…resolution skills in young children, and college-level teaching. Mary has provided professional development training to early childhood professionals for many years, with a focus on supporting families and social-emotional learning….

Secondary IEP Team Leader Community of Practice

…of agenda (10 minutes) Sharing problems of practice. (50 minutes) State / federal / research updates for team leaders (15 minutes) Q&A about the topic for the mini-training (15 minutes)…

Peter Vamosy

…the Western Mass Writing Project and completed the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Level III training with Emerging America. He is currently teaching World History and Black, Latinx,…

Math Modeling

…support math modeling activities Build a toolbox to adapt students’ interests into effective classroom modeling activities, and assess students’ learning By the end of this training, participants will be able…

Lauren Grimard, OTR/L

…Regulation, Astronaut Training, Interoception Curriculum, Wilbarger Brushing Protocol and Hand Writing Without Tears. Throughout her career, she has assisted clients with feeding and oral motor difficulties. Lauren is excited to…

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