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Results for "events and courses historys mysteries pilot k 5 social studies curriculum"

Policy, Politics, and Curriculum

Required for License(s): Administrative Leadership Description This course is designed to assist aspiring administrators in developing a deeper understanding of the curriculum and the myriad forces that shape it. Curriculum

Curriculum Leaders’ PLC – Online

The Curriculum Leaders’ Professional Group addresses timely issues related to curriculum, instruction and assessment in PK-12 educational programs. Members pose questions, share resources, and find solutions to problems of practice…

Weather Emergencies and Notices

and cancellations.   For questions, please contact one of the following departments: Licensure: CES Events/Professional Development: SEI Courses: Early Childhood: HEC Academy/Mount Tom Academy: Occupational…

Rossana Salazar

…to community work. Rossana is currently teaching Soluciones Positivas: Sesión 5: En esta sesión se examinarán estrategias específicas que se pueden utilizar para promover el comportamiento positivo en los adultos…

Bringing Collaboration Skills to the Classroom

…intense quiet; but Kuhlka keeps a watchful eye on all, the students keep their focus, and they successfully complete the day’s work. Kuhlka has been with Pioneer Valley Regional School…

Professional Development in DYS Education

…to meet the diverse needs of the DYS population. Home E Search query for: events and courses historys mysteries pilot k 5 social studies curriculum ( Page 10 ) Our…

Naiomi Robles

Naiomi Robles is the Manager of Culturally Responsive Education for Holyoke Public Schools. In her role, she serves as the district coach for Holyoke Ethnic Studies teachers, writes curriculum, and

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