…constitutional scholar David Hudson, will explore how civic institutions, civic virtue, and civic behaviors shape the US Constitution to allow for the pursuit of happiness. The class will develop themes,…
Search Results
AG Healey Reminds Public Schools About Laws Requiring Equal Access to Education Regardless of Immigration Status
…reminding local public school districts of their obligation under state and federal law to provide all students with equal access to primary and secondary education, irrespective of citizenship or immigration…
Orientation to Reform to Equal Rights: K-12 Disability History Curriculum
Emerging America is developing Reform to Equal Rights: K-12 Disability History Curriculum with support from a Library of Congress’ Teaching with Primary Sources grant and an Expand Massachusetts Stories grant…
Government 101: Primary voting explained by a high school teacher
…in which — basically — states are free to do what they want according to their own constitutions, as long as they do not violate the U.S. Constitution. There is…
Paraprofessional Training
Home E Search query for: events and courses equal protection and constitution The CES Paraprofessional Course Series There are over 1 million paraprofessionals currently serving in U.S. schools. These professionals…
Emerging America shares stories of advocacy
…in history and civics education. That includes development and sharing of stories of disabled advocates for equal rights so that students who are so often excluded see themselves as agents…
Events & Courses
Home E Search query for: events and courses equal protection and constitution Join Us in This Work! Our mission is to develop and foster educational excellence and opportunity…
Mass. Center for Civic Education promotes engaged citizenship among students
When history teacher Roger Desrosiers received a postcard from the Center for Civic Education in 1987 offering free classroom materials for the U.S. Constitution’s bicentennial, little did he know that…
Home E Search query for: events and courses equal protection and constitution CES offers professional development workshops, courses, conferences, and Professional Learning Communities, for educators, administrators, early childhood…