FLORENCE, MA — Two Valley high school students will receive scholarships for their work in social justice Sunday at the Sojourner Truth statue. Olivia Kan-Sperling, from Northampton High School, and…
Search Results
DYS Educator Develops Breakfree Project
…to then participate in the nationwide Breakfree Competitions, where his project, “Unworldly” was selected. “Unworldly” will focus on outer space and the “potential benefits of its exploration.” Students will also…
Williamstown School Committee Talks Special Education Collaboration
…— both from the perspective of the bottom line and the quality of student experiences. According to a memo provided to the committee, some students in the region are placed…
Sustainability on menu: HEC Academy in Northampton recognized for garden, other ‘green’ efforts
…it tastes better when you grow it yourself,” Garrido said. The students also have partnered with other nonprofits to make use of their food education skills. Students have volunteered with…
Despite Claims, PVCICS is Not a Model of Integrated K-12 Public Education
…percent of students in the Springfield comparison schools are economically disadvantaged. Thirty-six percent of students in the comparison schools from other communities are economically disadvantaged. For example, Northampton has a…
As Massachusetts charter schools enroll more students with disabilities, who exactly are they serving?
At Lawrence Family Day Charter School, which caters to poor and minority students, fewer than 7 percent of students have special needs – far below the statewide average. Director Ralph…
Students Gain Experience Via New CES Internship Program
…these students from ten area high schools valuable experience at a time when they can most use it. The program has been deemed a success by students and their employers…
Dean Tech Students Learn High-Tech Skills by Moving Robots
…the school as part of a grant through the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center. Students first build robots out of Lego building blocks. After plugging the robots into school computers, students…
…emerging america immigration issues perspective diverse students ( Page 20 ) We believe everyone can learn and succeed. CES specializes in programs and services that support children, families, and communities…
Curriculum Support
Home E Search query for: events and courses emerging america immigration issues perspective diverse students ( Page 20 ) DYS Curricula We are committed to providing educators and youth with…