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Results for "events and courses accessing inquiry english learners through primary sources"

Kristen Hamilton M. Ed.

Kristen Hamilton, M. Ed., is an English teacher at South Hadley High School where she’s been teaching for 17 years. Prior to that, she taught ELA at the Michael E….

Pioneer looks to start newspaper

NORTHFIELD, MA — When Matthew Despres was in high school, writing for his school newspaper was how he discovered his passion for journalism. Now, as an English teacher at Pioneer…

New MA IEP: Writing IEP Goals

…data to inform IEP Team decisions, and develop measurable goals. We’ll cover how data informs effective progress for students with IEPs how to identify sources of data, and how goals…

Reliable Research

…moving “beyond the headline” to see what research went into a new practice – things like funding sources, sample sizes, and other implementation characteristics.   Lastly, consider connecting with a colleague…

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