…and students. The question that quickly emerges is “how do I frame this activity through the positive / empowering lens of digital citizenship” instead of filling my audience with fear…
Search Results
Professional Learning Communities
…2015 01 honoring student voice video clip ( Page 28 ) Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) at CES Teaching is hard! Educators need a space to come together. Professional Learning Communities…
Regina Tate
Gini Tate has been practicing law since 1978. Her practice in the area of education covers a spectrum of issues including student discipline, special education, Education Reform, due process rights…
You’re responsible for their data too. Not just yours.
…data and digital identity to protect student data privacy. ISTE Standards for Educators Citizen 2.3.d. Model and promote management of personal data and digital identity to protect student data privacy….
Linee Perroncel
Linée Perroncel, M.Ed., currently serves as an Assistant Principal of Student Services in Holyoke Public Schools. She brings extensive experience working in Massachusets and Colorado in delivering professional development in…
Massachusetts Migrant Education Program Transitions to Collaborative for Educational Services
…be coordinated in two regions: western Massachusetts and eastern Massachusetts. During this transition, the agency will strive to keep programs and services operating smoothly for migratory students, youth, families and…
Shawn Fortin
…his knowledge of instructional technology to develop and teach coursework for students, teachers, and administrators. He currently facilitates MassCUE’s Leadership in Blended and Personalized Learning course and CES’s Educational Equity…
Poverty, segregation persist in U.S. schools, report says
…less per child than the least-poor districts, while districts serving the largest numbers of minority students get about $2,000 less than those serving the fewest students of color, according the…
Working in DYS Education
…this describes you, we want you to join our amazing team of educators! Home E Search query for: blog edeval 2015 01 honoring student voice video clip ( Page 28…
Greenfield High School team volunteers at cookout for Greenfield seniors
…in Northfield. When he coached at Brattleboro for 20 years, he would have the players cook at the community center, and also for firefighters and police officers. He feels student-athletes…