…wellbeing. Home E Search query for: blog edeval 2015 01 honoring student voice video clip ( Page 25 ) Helping Schools Create Stronger, More Inclusive Curricula Our Approach We situate…
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After School Programming During the Crisis
…home Chrome books to students and working to support student connectivity in other ways. The coordinators have already reached out to all the students and families that were attending to…
Barbara Cheney Appointed Fellow for Summit Learning
…students to the structure and guidelines of Summit Learning, a nationwide program that she has incorporated into her work with Mount Tom students for over three years. Her results have…
Mohawk versus charters: District to rally against tuition hikes
…tuition, regardless of what it costs the charter school to educate its students. As Mohawk’s student populations decreases, its per-pupil costs rise, because of fixed costs and the teachers who…
Cooperative Purchasing
Home E Search query for: blog edeval 2015 01 honoring student voice video clip ( Page 25 ) Simplify, Save, and Succeed By joining with CES for purchasing purposes, our…
CES Director Accepts National Award For Innovative Leadership
…School, in order to turn around chronic low student achievement scores. Minnick said Schuman has also expanded the awareness among state leaders about the critical role the state’s 27 ESAs…
CES Workforce Programs lead to multiple opportunities
…of his work as director of the STEM@Work Paid Internship Program. Rigney had been involved for years with connecting students to internships and working on the foundations that students would…
Adam Stumacher
…of instruction. He has deep experience designing and delivering professional development, leading student achievement and school climate data cycles, redesigning curricula and master schedules, and crafting schoolwide discipline and student…
Postsecondary Educational Opportunities for Youth Committed to DYS
…the community. Wendy Taylor, Coordinator of Student Services and Postsecondary Programming for CES says, “Student interest is contagious, and as students see other students succeed in the program, they get…
The Contemporary Educational Leader
Required for License(s): Administrative Leadership This course requires candidates to explore the significant issues and relevant research on leading change to improve student learning. Candidates will actively investigate such topics…