…to group experiences has been a frequent challenge as kids return to school. Many young students lack familiarity with being in groups, and can struggle with adjusting to the structure…
Search Results
Rural School Aid awarded to local districts
…these leaders as we strive to ensure quality education for our rural students.” School districts that qualify for Rural School Aid have fewer than 21 students per square mile in…
Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) helps teachers communicate with students who have difficulty speaking
…a variety of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ACC) strategies and technological supports can give these students a voice, and provide a means for them to develop their communication and literacy…
Redesigning Power Structures
Home E Search query for: blog edeval 2015 01 honoring student voice video clip ( Page 16 ) The Redesigning Power Structures Project Redesigning power structures (RPS) works collaboratively with…
National Endowment for the Arts award will support local arts integration program for girls in the juvenile justice system
…system a voice through arts integration led by the Enchanted Circle Theater of Holyoke. The NEA received 1,728 Art Works applications and will make 1,029 grants ranging from $10,000 to…
Uncovering Security Flaws in Digital Education Products
…but also stored passwords in plain text — security weaknesses that could potentially have allowed unauthorized users to gain access to details like students’ names, voice recordings or skill levels….
GusNIP Produce Prescription Program boosts healthy food availability and support for local residents
…voice to those in the area who struggled with food insecurity – to have a seat at the table and help to make change. “The fact that we have spent…
Donate to Hampshire County Food Policy Council Fund
Home E Search query for: blog edeval 2015 01 honoring student voice video clip ( Page 16 ) Hampshire County Food Policy Council The Hampshire County Food Policy Council is…
New Bedford High School’s Takeru Nagayoshi is Mass. Teacher of the Year
…to Brown. Nagayoshi is the first person who took him to visit the school, he said, and has taken other students who enroll in his Advanced Placement seminar. For Arabian,…
Mount Tom Academy graduates seven
…program for high school students at risk of dropping out of school. The students come from their district schools and either return to complete their studies or finish their high…