Collaborative for Educational Services

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Results for "blog edeval 2013 11 evaluating teacher evaluation systems"

Gwendolyn VanSant

…the Workplace Retreat at Amherst College in 2013 for graduating seniors and alumnae. Gwendolyn VanSant has also served on the Great Barrington Citizen’s Panel for Police Officer and Sergeant Selection….

Leeds Elementary principal announces departure

…in 2013. Canata said he will miss the Leeds staff and school community: “The personal connections I’ve made here made my decision so tough.” But as a longtime resident of…

Supporting Access to Educational Technology 

…and share classes that they could not offer on their own. By 2005, the Western Massachusetts Distance Learning Network served 18 different school districts, and was training teachers in how…

Carmelo Chiello

Carmelo has taught several courses with CES since 2013, including ESL licensure courses, and both the traditional and vocational education Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) courses required by DESE. Over the…

Angela Burke Receives Braselman Award

…since 2013, first as Director of Technology, and then as Director of Professional Services. Prior to that, she was the Director of Technology at Gateway Regional School District. She holds…

Rural School Aid awarded to local districts

…receive $183,774; Mohawk will gain $132,932; and Pioneer will be awarded $92,593. Other local school systems to benefit include: Hawlemont ($23,096), New Salem-Wendell ($21,657), Rowe ($3,913), Orange ($51,458), Sunderland ($4,840)…

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