…to several books about teaching students with diverse needs and trauma. She was a 2006 Disney Teacher, the 2010 Massachusetts History Teacher of the Year, and the 2016 recipient of…
Search Results
Literacy + Social Emotional + One-on-One Time…in just 10 minutes!
…1st grade teachers is storytelling-story acting which is based on the work of Vivian Gussin Paley. This curriculum element develops language and literacy skills, while supporting creativity and social and…
Working in DYS Education
…this describes you, we want you to join our amazing team of educators! Home E Search query for: blog edeval 2013 11 evaluating teacher evaluation systems ( Page 29 )…
The election challenge: A race to the White House with this many turns has teachers scrambling
Social studies teacher Scott Mahar had the perfect election-related lesson plan sketched out for his high school students — a scavenger hunt in which they would match an issue with…
Renee Hadfield
…30 years. She has been a resource teacher, a general education teacher, and for the last 15 years has been the general education teacher in an inclusion fourth grade classroom….
First Annual Excellence in Education: Living our Guiding Principles Monthly Award
…in Education: Living our Guiding Principles Award. The award is given to a teacher for each of the five DYS regions; and a statewide winner will be selected at the…
Mary Geiring
…teacher collaboration, teacher preparation, responsive classroom, teacher induction, and inclusion practices. Prior to joining CES, Mary was an LEA Facilitator at Muscogee County Schools in Columbus, GA. Her previous experience…
New Hawlemont principal named
CHARLEMONT, MA — Mohawk science teacher and “Science Educator of the Year” award-winner Samantha B. Rutz has been hired to serve as Hawlemont Regional School principal, starting this July. According…
Massachusetts receives $4 million Gates Foundation grant
…“Elevate Preparation: Impact Children,” a program to enhance first-year teachers’ performance to the equivalent of third-year teachers by 2022. Through the program, the department will work with the state’s 71…
Renata S. Pienkawa
An immigrant herself, Renata S. Pienkawa earned her M.A. in TESOL from Teachers College, Columbia University. She has been an ELL teacher, program coordinator, and teacher trainer/consultant for over three…