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Results for "blog edeval 2013 11 evaluating teacher evaluation systems"

Warwick teacher takes on principal role

WARWICK — In addition to teaching the combined third and fourth grade classroom at Warwick Community School, Christine Mullen will also be principal this year. Mullen has taught the combined…

Setting the Stage for Future Educators

…these master teachers brought their expertise to teacher candidates. Soon after, CES partnered with Fitchburg State University to provide teacher candidates with the opportunity to take their CES courses for…

Dee McWilliams

Dee McWilliams is currently a reading specialist and Reading Recovery teacher at Plains School in South Hadley, MA. A veteran teacher with extensive experience in early literacy development, Dee has…

Reena Freedman

Reena Freedman has worked in education for over twenty-five years as a classroom teacher, curriculum designer, new teacher induction leader, staff developer, and administrator. In her work with schools and…

Miguel Cardona chosen as Secretary of Education

…educational outcomes. After serving on two state task forces with Cardona, one about teacher evaluations and another on what testing requirements there should be for students, Joe Cirasuolo came away…

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